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The world is at a point of many new trends manifesting themselves into a flashpoint of change. The make-up of those who represent us in government is changing, in both race and gender. In the most recent presidential election, the United States turned centuries of history on its head with the election of its first African-American president. People around the globe paid close attention to the outcome of the American election, waiting to see who the new leader of a world superpower would be.Those same people find themselves in an economic flux that continues to determine how we make our decisions every day.
Even the manner in which we receive our information is changing. The internet, which became a widespread commercial resource over the '90s, allows for users to receive the first draft of history faster than ever before, as well as help in its writing. News organizations are slowly catching up to this trend as print and broadcast media outlets increasingly divert their resources to the web.
This is why the Journalist's Autumn 2008 edition has made the jump to electronic publishing. Though previous editions have been solely produced in print, progressively becoming more sophisticated, the future of journalism, its values and its virtues, will be inextricably tied with the internet. This first foray, rough as it may be, will provide the jumping ground for greater and more modern platforms that students of journalism - American and Russian - can learn from.
And, without the physical limits and costs of print publishing, we have been able to provide more - and we think better - content than ever before. We hope you enjoy it, too.
Daniel Nash
American Editor and Web Designer.
P.S.: While we do not have interactivity enabled on this web site, many of our writers would love to hear your questions and comments. They can be contacted by e-mailing the site at uwtruss@u.washington.edu
P.P.S.: Please visit our thank you page dedicated to everyone who helped make this possible.