XNA Game-Themed CS1 Examples (XGC1)

Release 3.0 (XNA V4)

Tutorial 5: Working With Sprite Sheets

By Ronald and Samuel Cook

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Reference: This is the fifth tutorial on how to work with the XNACS1Lib library. It is assumed you have read and understand the previous four tutorials:

Goals : This tutorial concentrates on describing how to work with Sprite Sheets: 

1. Obtain the example code

Download and unzip the zip file and you will see an ExampleProgram folder. Open the ExampleProgram folder, the EXE folder contains the compiled program and you can double click on the .sln file to work with the source code.
If you double click and run the executable program, you will observe:
However, the sprite will actually be moving, and you can use the dpad on a controller to change the direction he walks in.

2. The Source Code Files/Structure

Take a look at the ExampleProgram folder that you have unzipped and you will see a structure identicle to that of the previous tutorials.

3. The Solution Explorer:

Now double click on the *.sln file in the ExampleProgram folder, to start the project in the IDE. Notice the structure of the SolutionExplorer follows the source code folder structure we have examined:
As illustrated in the above figure, you will notice the Textures folder and the Sprites.png file. The process of including the *.png files into the project works identical to that of *.jpg Texture files, where you would right-mouse-button click on the Resources folder and add the existing Textures folder. Any *.png files can be included in this folder (and thus into your project). 

Particles: in the
        XNACS1Rectangle.SetTextureSpriteSheet(String SpriteSheetTexture,...)
method, the SpriteSheetTexture refers to names of these *.png files. Notice that as in the case of .jpg image files where we identify the images by their names without the extension, we will also refer the Sprite Sheets by their file names without the .png extension.

4. Examine the Predefined Emitters:

We are finally ready to examine our source code for Sprite Sheets.  To declare a Spirte Sheet use the following code:
public class Game1 : XNACS1Base
     XNACS1Rectangle Sprite; 

protected override void InitializeWorld()
Sprite = new XNACS1Rectangle(new Vector2(50,25), 10, 10);
Sprite.SetTextureSpriteSheet("Sprites", 13, 16, 0);
Sprite.UseSpriteSheet = true ;
          Sprite.SetTextureSpriteAnimationFrames(0, 0, 1, 0, 5, SpriteSheetAnimationMode.AnimateForward);
Sprite.UseSpriteSheetAnimation = true;

The XNACS1Rectangle.SetTextureSpriteSheet(String SpriteSheetTexture, int numColumns, int numRows, int padding) arguments are pretty straightforward.

You may also notice the lines of code, "Sprite.SetTextureSpriteAnimationFrames(0, 0, 1, 0, 5, SpriteSheetAnimationMode.AnimateForward);" and "Sprite.SetTextureSpriteAnimationFrames(0, 0, 1, 0, 5, SpriteSheetAnimationMode.AnimateForward);" What the first line of code does is set the current animation of your Sprite object, to a sprite from the sprite sheet.  The second line of code enables the Sprite object to loop through animiations if you want.

The XNACS1Rectangle.SetTextureSpriteAnimationFrames(int beginX, int beginY, int endX, int endY, int ticksPerFrame, SpriteSheetAnimationMode mode) arguments are a little more confusing.

The following is the code that causes the sprite to change directions when a direction on the dpad is pressed.  It is one example of how you can use the sprite sheet animations.

protected override void UpdateWorld()       
     if (GamePad.Dpad.Up == ButtonState.Pressed && (Sprite.CurrentSpriteSheetFrameX < 0 || Sprite.CurrentSpriteSheetFrameX > 1))
Sprite.SetTextureSpriteAnimationFrames(0, 0, 1, 0, 5, SpriteSheetAnimationMode.AnimateForward);           
else if (GamePad.Dpad.Down == ButtonState.Pressed && (Sprite.CurrentSpriteSheetFrameX < 3 || Sprite.CurrentSpriteSheetFrameX > 4))               
Sprite.SetTextureSpriteAnimationFrames(3, 0, 4, 0, 5, SpriteSheetAnimationMode.AnimateForward);           
if (GamePad.Dpad.Left == ButtonState.Pressed && (Sprite.CurrentSpriteSheetFrameX < 6 || Sprite.CurrentSpriteSheetFrameX > 7))               
Sprite.SetTextureSpriteAnimationFrames(6, 0, 7, 0, 5, SpriteSheetAnimationMode.AnimateForward);           
if (GamePad.Dpad.Right == ButtonState.Pressed && (Sprite.CurrentSpriteSheetFrameX < 9 || Sprite.CurrentSpriteSheetFrameX > 10))               
Sprite.SetTextureSpriteAnimationFrames(9, 0, 10, 0, 5, SpriteSheetAnimationMode.AnimateForward);       

Project home page>: The Game-Themed Introductory Programming Project.
Kelvin Sung
Computing and Software Systems
University of Washington, Bothell
Michael Panitz
Business And Information Technology
Cascadia Community College

Microsoft Logo This work is supported in part by a grant from Microsoft Research under the Computer Gaming Curriculum in Computer Science RFP, Award Number 15871 and 16531.