XNACS1Lib: CSS490 Spring 2011
Assembly: XNACS1Lib (in XNACS1Lib.dll) Version:
Sets the front direction of the primitive. Setting FrontDireciton will cause the RotateAngle and NormalDirection of the primitive to be updated
accordingly. y default, when RotateAngle is 0, FrontDireciton points towards (1,0) [positive X-direction].
E.g., if we set RotateAngle to 90-degrees, FrontDireciton will be updated accordinlgy to (0,1) [positive y-direciton], or
rotated 90-degress in the anit-clockwise direction
Namespace: XNACS1LibAssembly: XNACS1Lib (in XNACS1Lib.dll) Version:
C# |
public Vector2 FrontDirection { get; set; } |