XNACS1Lib: CSS490 Spring 2011
Assembly: XNACS1Lib (in XNACS1Lib.dll) Version:
Rotate the primitive by the Angle specified (in degree). After the rotation, the FrontDirection of the primitive
will be udpated accordingly. By default, when RotateAngle is 0, FrontDireciton points towards (1,0) [positive X-direction].
E.g., if we set RotateAngle to 90-degrees, FrontDireciton will be updated accordinlgy to (0,1) [positive y-direciton], or
rotated 90-degress in the anit-clockwise direction
Namespace: XNACS1LibAssembly: XNACS1Lib (in XNACS1Lib.dll) Version:
C# |
public float RotateAngle { get; set; } |