







Overview of Seattle


The Pacific Northwest has long been recognized as a highly desirable place to live and work because of the quality of life offered to its residents.  A strong and stable economy, beautiful environment and wealth of cultural and recreational opportunities distinguish the Puget Sound region of Washington.  Central Puget Sound, comprised of King, Snohomish, Pierce and Kitsap Counties, is vital to the economy of the region by providing deep water ports to the cities of Seattle, Tacoma and Everett.


Port of Seattle / Port of Tacoma / International Trade

Because of the proximity to the growing markets in the Pacific Rim, the Puget Sound is expected to have continued economic growth through international trade.  The economic growth of the Pacific Rim has lead to increased trade and has had a significant impact on the region, which supports two major ports in Seattle and Tacoma.


High-Tech / Bio-Tech Industries

The region has a diversified economic base with notable expansion of computer software, electronic equipment and biotechnology firms.  During 1999 and the first half of 2000 Microsoft added an average of 150 employees per week.  About 1,800 new positions were created at the company in 2002.



Boeing has been important for the Puget Sound economy for more than eight decades and is the largest employer in the area.



According to the Puget Sound Council of Governments the population of Washington State has grown by an average of approximately 20% per decade.  From 2001 to 2002, the state growth rate was 1.1% in comparison to 1.4% the previous year.


The four counties of the central Puget Sound region account for 56% of Washington’s total 2002 population of 6,014,700.


King County Population


   1998                1999                  2000                2001                2002               2003                           

1,665,800        1,677,000        1,737,046        1,758,312        1,774,312        1,779,300                   


Population Change (Annual % Change From Previous Period)


            1998                1999                2000                2001                2002                2003

            1.2%                0.7%                3.6%                1.2%                0.9%                0.3%


Source:  United States Office of Financial Management




The Seattle-Bellevue-Everett Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) accounts for 45% of the state’s total labor force. 


Total Employment – Seattle-Bellevue-Everett PMSA


Source: Washington State Employment Security Department





Metropolitan Statistical Area                           Labor Force                                          Unemployment %              

Seattle-Bellevue-Everett PMSA

                January 2004                                         1,409,200                                                6.2%

                February 2004                                       1,416,000                                                6.1%

                March 2004                                           1,417,800                                                5.9%

Washington State

                January 2004                                         3,152,200                                                7.2%

                February 2004                                       3,166,800                                                6.9%

                March 2004                                           3,176,300                                                6.5%

United States

                January 2004                                         146,863,000                                            5.6%

                February 2004                                       146,471,000                                            5.6%

                March 2004                                           146,650,000                                            5.7%

Source: Washington State Employment Security Department & U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics




Source:  Washington State Employment Security Department


Average household and per capita income levels have steadily increased over the past two decades.  In King County, the median household income has increased by 20.7% over the past five years.  Pierce County’s median household income grew by 13.3% and Snohomish County’s median household income grew by 12.7%.


There has been a lot of progress in expanding the employment base and diversifying the regional economy.  The region was successful in its ability to attract young, highly educated workers during the 1990’s.  The presence of these young, creative workers have lead to the development of new industries, new opportunities, and job creation.


The regional economy is beginning to rebound after a slowing down in 2002 and the first half of 2003 and the general outlook for the central Puget Sound region continues to be positive.  Currently, population rates are estimated to be about 1%, which should help keep unemployment figures down.










