The history of this block is one that is rich with construction milestones that have guided the evolution of this neighborhood and University District around it. With the block’s current and historical uses in mind, (its use for primarily commercial office space) we can see how a centrally located block can shape the building use around it. We can also see the effects the tallest building in an area can have on zoning regulations for University District. Like the Brooklyn Building before it, the UW Tower continues to set a height standard for the surrounding areas. This influence can be seen in new regulations that are being passed like the upzoning of the areas around the tower to a height of 240 feet. (UDUDF 34) Due to its location, this block is also adjacent to the site of a major construction project: the University District’s light rail station. The development of a transportation hub like this is in line with the progressive plans of the district as a whole and will undoubtedly bring a stream of new businesses and residents to the neighborhood. The only worry that exists is the fear that some of the character of the block would be washed away with these changes in zoning and transportation.