This block is located near the center of the University District in Seattle Washington. The U-District is so named as a result of the University of Washington moving there in late 1900s. While the proximity of the campus has defined much of the U-District’s history, the area has also has its own communities and culture and has been a place where businesses have thrived outside of downtown Seattle. This particular block is placed directly on the busy crossroads of Brooklyn Ave NE and 45th Street, surrounded by a mix of building types - both commercial and residential. The block is currently completely dedicated to office space and has been that way historically. Easily the most striking feature of the block is the UW Tower, the tallest building in the U-District and visible from nearly anywhere. Perhaps the most important current development in the vicinity of the block is the construction of a new light rail station across the street from the block to the east. This new development is a clear indicator of the changing nature of the U-District. A new light rail station would mean an influx of new residents, professionals, and businesses at and around this block.