Marine Ecology at UWT
"Explores the natural history and interactions among marine organisms, emphasizing Pacific Northwest intertidal invertebrates. Includes all-day and weekend-long field trips to sites around Puget Sound. Includes topics such as biology of coral reefs, kelp forests, estuaries, marine fisheries, and marine conservation" - UWT Course Catalog. This year the class has been absolutely amazing and I could not have hand picked a better group of fellow students with which to spend so much time! Please visit their web sites as well by following the links on the class web site.
Web Site Assignment
Each student is responsible for becoming the authority in one taxonomical group, and this web site serves as the culmination of that effort. Opisthobranchia is the group in which I chose to become thoroughly acquainted. I focused primarily on nudibranchs since they were the onlyones we were able to find... with the exception of the white bubble shell. Please explore this site further for information regarding this subclass of gastropods. Also, check out Lisa’s page. She was a previous UWT Marine Ecology student who focused on nudibranchs and chitons.
This webpage is part of the UWT Marine Ecology 2008 Class Project. Created June 06, 2008 by Sarah Mangum |