Our Responsibility as Consumers

We live in an era dominated by the marketing of big corporations.  In no industry does this have a larger effect on our bodies’ health than in the American food industry.  There are many factors which contribute to public health but one of, if not the greatest factor, is the food we eat.  As our food system becomes more and more industrialized it become continually more dominated by large corporations with nearly endless marketing budgets.  These large corporations consider little the effect of their products on the health of the consumer and largely on the most effective way to sell mass amounts of their products, and maximizing their profits.  Because of this it is the responsibility of the consumer to think critically about the types of foods that we are consuming and the impact they are having on our bodies and the environment.  It’s unfortunate that we cannot rely more on the social responsibility of large corporations or the regulation of our government, but this leaves us with one simple questions, how important is our health?  I think the answer to this question is simple, the health of our bodies is of the utmost importance.  If we cannot rely on the corporations or the government to market healthy, sustainable products, then it is our responsibility as consumers to seek out products and companies that provide these types of products. 

image citation: “Evil Food Industry.” Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 July 2017.

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