A History of Public Art and Public Space
Instructors: John Young (Art), and David Streatfield (Landscape Architecture)
Lecture course; 5cr.

Public Art Field Survey
John Young (Art)
Class will include tours, observation, journal writing, and local field trips to many of Seattle's major public artworks. The artists who created many of the works will speak with the class.
Field trip course; 5cr.

The Public Context: Out of Site
Instructor: Beliz Brother (Public Art)
A five-credit studio class studying the theory, tools and practice of analyzing site as text and source, providing inspiration for works of Public Art, Architecture, and Landscape Architecture. Studio will collage visiting speakers, readings, films, lectures and site visits. Projects explore video, posters, maps, photos, pamphlets and suitcases.
a large-format Studio Class; 5cr

The Material Realm
taught by Public Art faculty
Field study/seminar/slide lecture class on material properties, aesthetics and engineering for outdoor installations. Sample topic: "How materials are affected by the weather". Visiting expert lecturers from many disciplines and industries.
A seminar course; 5cr

Collaboration in the Arts
Instructor: Beliz Brother, (Public Art)
Topics will include an overview of each profession, discussion of critical thinking, differences in ways of visual thinking, methods of interdisciplinary activity, languages and terminology, and case studies.
Lecture with break out discussion groups; 5 cr

Studio #1: Intro to Public Art
Instructor: John Young (Art)
Cross-disciplinary public art studio class.
Design studio/discussion; 5cr

Studio #2: Design/Build
Team taught by core faculty
Final product will be a public art installation on campus or in the community.
Design studio/discussion; 5cr

Studio #3: Interdisciplinary Design Competition Studio
Team taught by core faculty.
Cross-disciplinary studio class using national competitions for class projects (e.g. Maya Lin, student at Yale, and the Vietnam War Memorial). A larger high profile site with good challenges and issues.
Final product is a model and complete proposal submitted to the national competition.
Design studio/discussion; 5cr.

The Business of Public Art
Instructor: John Young
topics include professional practice and communication/presentation techniques, resume writing, slide portfolio preparation, statement of purpose/philosophy, proposal making, writing and dealing with regulating agencies and the artworld. Course will also cover grants, codes, contracts, approvals.

Installation Performance and Community Activism
taught by Public Art faculty