Project 2 site analysis assignment
Site Documentation and Research
The Slow Food Roma program will be used on three sites in the rioni you have investigated. These rioni are Flaminio, Monti, and Testaccio. We will assign the team that investigated each of these rione to the sites. The three adjacent rione teams will be assigned to one of these sites as well.
The sites for Slow Food Roma are as follows:
1. Flaminio. The south side of the small market on Via Flaminia, adjacent to the school of architecture, contains some low rise, residential buildings that may be removed for this project. Teams assigned to this site will be Flaminio, and Borgo/Prati.
2. Termini. This site contains the fragment of an aquaduct just north of Mercato Esquilino at Via Filippo Turati, and Via G. Pepe. Teams assigned to this site will be Monti, and Centro.
3. Testaccio. This site will be where the existing refrigeration plant building for the Mattatoio is located at Via Beniamino Franklin and Via Aldo Manuzio. There is also a school of architecture adjacent to this site. The site is across the street from a new market under construction. Teams assigned to this site are Ripa, and Trastevere.
Each of the three site teams will be organized in task groups that will be responsible for site documentation and research. These will include:
1. a) Site plans showing adjacent buildings, surrounding streets, significant structures at 1:100 and 1:200.
b) Site sections at 1:100. (3 people)
2. Elevations of adjacent buildings at 1:100. (3 people)
3. Site photos including building elevations, site context, and eye-level perspective views. (2 people)
4. Slow Food Movement research, general history. (2 people from each team working as a group)
5. Physical model and sketch-up model. (All team member responsible)
Schedule and Deadlines