Beer – Matt’s cut

Matt Feiser, Heather Johnson & Kelly Slyngstad – 4:32, drunken comedy

[DISCLAIMER: The class of BISMCS472A really doesn’t think drinking competitively is a good idea. Drink legally!]

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1 Response to Beer – Matt’s cut

  1. mattfeez says:

    First off, this film was extremely fun to make and I am really happy that I had two great partners to do this with. Well, where to begin! First off, I could have done the audio and color adjustments much better. I know that we did some work on these in class, but I think my lack of experience and confidence in ability to work these functions greatly effected the final product. Going forward I know that those are two areas I need to improve on. We used two separate cameras which was better than the three we used on the first part of this project, with all the footage we gathered it was overwhelming to sort through in post. I was satisfied with most of my cuts, however many were dictated based on the footage, some was good audio but the product on screen wasn’t that great so I put the better looking footage in and sacrificed some integrity because of it. Overall, I think the video was okay, but my lack of experience with filming and editing were the biggest obstacles to a better product. I learned a ton from the beginning of the quarter until now!

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