The Precious – Michael’s cut

Michael Chan, Tina Hong & Ming Lee – 6:50, drama

It seems young people these days go to friends for help, but rarely to family. This story reminds us that family will always be there for us.

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4 Responses to The Precious – Michael’s cut

  1. chenne says:

    Very effective use of iphone text message bubbles on-screen! Unfortunately, though, as an English speaker, my eyes had to race across the screen because the text is not in English so I had to look down at the bottom of the screen in order to know what Peter was reading, which took me away from the action of him reading and dealing with the texts in “real-time”. I would imagine that using subtitles in addition to on-screen effects is difficult when the overall message of the scene is contained within several visual cues at the same time. You don’t want to confuse the viewer with too much to pay attention to or you may cause them to miss the cues.

    Your camera work to me looks flawless. The lighting environments indoors are very cinematic and the color balances are very effective and likely purposeful! I enjoyed watching Peter act too! (He helped my team with one of our projects haha).

  2. JHwang says:

    very cinematic but there were a lot of things that stood out that took away from the feel of the video. The music in the intro didn’t fit the tone of the video (at least to me), captions were inconsistent, etc. The lighting, and camera technique were really good. Nice effects with the texting scenes, overall a pretty good video.

  3. wanling102 says:

    I think your shooting technique is really impressive. It is a good video.

  4. Cylin says:

    OMG! Your work is unbelievable! I can’t find a work to express my feeling! The shooting skill, the audio, the lighting, the story, and etc, everything are wonderful! Your work just like a professional movie! I can’t wait to see more of your future videos.

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