I’m really pleased with how this turned out – as a team, we did pretty good with getting good shots, angles, lighting, and sound, as well as telling a comprehensive narrative. We went for a documentary-style interview approach, which I think worked really well. I spent a lot of time in post-production on getting the audio just right, since we recorded some pretty high white noise levels during filming – I had to do a substantial amount of audio editing to tie it all together. I’m most pleased with the soundtrack portions of this piece – this was my first video using extra audio, and this really turned out well.
I really liked the range of shots that you chose to include. I think the idea of having the shot of the interviewer and she is talking off of the screen. It was really cool how you guys pulled away during the interview using the moving cam. The story really flowed and it was cool seeing it come from script to the final product
I’m really pleased with how this turned out – as a team, we did pretty good with getting good shots, angles, lighting, and sound, as well as telling a comprehensive narrative. We went for a documentary-style interview approach, which I think worked really well. I spent a lot of time in post-production on getting the audio just right, since we recorded some pretty high white noise levels during filming – I had to do a substantial amount of audio editing to tie it all together. I’m most pleased with the soundtrack portions of this piece – this was my first video using extra audio, and this really turned out well.
I really liked the range of shots that you chose to include. I think the idea of having the shot of the interviewer and she is talking off of the screen. It was really cool how you guys pulled away during the interview using the moving cam. The story really flowed and it was cool seeing it come from script to the final product
You had very clear good sound, and you did a great job engineering the sound to be very fluid.