Take-home Exam

There will be a take-home exam handed out to you in lecture on Wednesday, December 1st, which will involve answering two our of three essay questions. The take-home exam is due Wednesday, December 8th, at the beginning of lecture. Each essay should be two to three pages, typed, 1.5 spacing, size 12 font, 1 inch margins, with your name and section in the header. The take-home exam will account for 30% of your grade.

Take Home Exam Power Point, 12/03/10


The Political Science, Law, Societies, and Justice, and Jackson School of International Studies Writing Center

Take advantage of this great resource! They now offer online scheduling.

The Pol S/LSJ/JSIS Writing Center is there to help you at every stage of the writing process.

They have some fantastic handouts; here are few you should be sure to take a look at:




Plagiarism is defined as the use of creations, ideas or words of publicly available work without formally acknowledging the author or source through appropriate use of quotation marks, references, and the like.
Plagiarizing is presenting someone else's work as one's own original work or thought. This constitutes plagiarism whether it is intentional or unintentional. The University of Washington takes plagiarism very seriously. Plagiarism may lead to disciplinary action by the University against the student who submitted the work. Any student who is uncertain whether his or her use of the work of others constitutes plagiarism should consult the course instructor for guidance before formally submitting the course work involved. (Sources: UW Graduate School Style Manual; UW Bothell Catalog; UW Student Conduct Code)