Research Links

European historian Tony Judt spent a lifetime studying and writing about the course of American foreign policy, the future of the EU, and Russia's relations with Europe -- all issues that continue to dominate the headlines.
The EU's own website includes a good chronology of events in the history of the European integration process.
The EU's treaties.
On-line archive on the development of the EU.
The website of the Integrated Project on New Modes of Governance, coordinated by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence.
The European Commission's website on Education and Training policy, outlining the main activities of the European Union in this field.
The home page of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs provides up-to-date information on all fields of European social law and policy.
The European Commission's Social Dialogue website.
The 'European industrial relations observatory online' is an excellent source of information on all social dialogue issues, be they at national or EU level.

The European Union in the US - This link will take you to the EU Commission Delegation in Washington DC

EU-US Partnership - This link will take you to the EU Commission Delegation's page on EU-US relationship

Political Resources on the Net: European Union

Research Guide to International Law on the Internet

Index - EuroInternet - contains a most comprehensive list of pointers to the W3 with regard to sources and information on European Union affairs.
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