Required Reading (Available at the University Bookstore)

Michelle Cini/Nieves Perez-Solorzano Borragan (2010). European Union Politics. Oxford University Press.

Stephen Kotkin (2001). Armageddon Averted, The Soviet Collapse 1970 – 2000. Oxford University Press.

Steven Hill (2010). Europe’s Promise. University of California Press.
Christian Joppke (2010). Veil. Polity Press.

Articles that are not accessible on the web are available in a course reader at Rams Copy Center, 4144 University Way at 42nd.  Others you can access via the UW electronic journal database.

  Alison E. Woodward; Reconfiguring State Feminism in the European Union:
Changes from 1995-2006
  "The Hawk and The Dove", Nicholas Thompson