Introduction to Geographic Information Systems in Forest Resources
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Sample Data

Several sample datasets exist for this course. The main dataset we will use is the GIS data for Pack Forest, described below.

Pack Forest Data

Most of the datasets used are from the Pack Forest GIS Database.

This may not mean anything to you yet (if not, it will after the lesson on projections and coordinate systems). Where not otherwise specified, the data are in this Projection/Coordinate system:

Projection: STATEPLANE
Zone: 5626 (Washington State, South Zone)
Datum: HPGN*
Units: FEET
Spheroid: GRS1980

* HPGN (High Precision GPS Network) is also known as HARN (High Accuracy Reference Network) or NAD83/91 (North American Datum of 1983, readjusted in 1991), but is similar to NAD83 for most purposes.

When asked for measurements, etc., it will be assumed that you are using the State Plane data, and that the storage and measurement units are feet, unless otherwise specified. This should make more sense to you when we cover projections.

Any datasets ending with other names (e.g., bound_utm) will have Projection/Coordinate systems signified by the file name, and will be explained in the exercise or assignment.

All sample data for the course are located on the accompanying CD, in the directories packgis and esridata.

The esridata directory contains a number of datasets for the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the rest of the world. The datasets are from sources of very small scale and are generally good only for coarse-scale display or analysis. These data are generally stored in decimal degrees of latitude and longitude.


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The University of Washington Spatial Technology, GIS, and Remote Sensing Page is supported by the School of Forest Resources
School of Forest Resources