University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

site report 1: deep read

When i visited my block i noticed some interesting things. My block is very urbanized and everything looks very modern. i noticed there are many many windows on these buildings and realized they are actually apartment complexes. The neighborhood looks very safe and has a lot of human activity. There are alot of people walking about and ive noticed quite a few buses driving around there must be a few stops close by. in the middle of the street there is a large street divider comosed mostly of grass and grenery which is sometimes rare in cities like seattle. upon closer inspection i noticed that most of the trees in the area were recently planted wich kinda just shows how new this area is, also the fact that there is an active construction site in the area. i think i didnt notice the trees right away because thats not really one of the first things a person thinks of when they are just walking down the street, i would say im a pretty observant person but the age of trees isnt something that you notice unless you are doing a project like this i think.

site report 1: deep read