University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


The history of block 47 helps us shape and understand the U District. Block 47 is mainly made up of private owned companies that were established a long time ago and are still standing today serving their original purposes. A main take away to understand from block 47 is that the U District is run and controlled by the University of Washington.  For example, with the explosion of incoming students housing was a necessity, block 47 was used to build an apartment building to house the people living here and a hotel to house the people visiting.  Qdoba was then built essentially to feed the people living in these direct areas. These blocks were turned from farmland into commercial use. Another take away is that urbanization had a huge impact on this block and the U District itself. There is a story to every building on every block within the U District. There is a purpose and reason for why the U District is the way it is today and to understand this one must understand the history of it’s blocks. 
