University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


Society as a whole has been undergoing a change of perspective regarding land use for many years, and the University District is no different.

Before the industrial boom hit the Seattle area, citizens were concerned with “securing more parks and playgrounds and improving those already established” (Freund 253), but now in the 21st century those that care about the environment in its natural state are outnumbered by developers hoping to make some easy money. Cities in Seattle have rapidly expanded due to the rise in high tech companies like Amazon and Boeing. People travel from all over Washington and across the country to work for these companies, and require convenient housing. To acquire these jobs, people need to have educational degrees which led to a surge in the number of people attending universities. Housing shortages for students attending the University of Washington have proven that in some neighborhoods it isn’t practical to have single family homes. Apartment buildings are popping up all over densely populated areas, on top of old homes, businesses or once loved parks. This urban planning has been under debate by the City Council because there needs to be an outdoor space for family activities, sport teams, gatherings, etc even if they are in the minority of the U Districts demographics. 
