med 610 clinical respiratory diseases & critcare med

Radiology Learning Materials

A core competency for any physician but, in particular, pulmonary and critical care physicians is the ability to read and interpret chest imaging including plain chest radiographs and CT scans of the chest. On this page you will find a range of materials designed to help you improve your skills in this area. The materials include the following:

  • A tutorial on how to read plain chest radiographs
  • Links to other websites with various materials geared toward learning how to interpret chest imaging
  • A link to an E-reserves folder containing review articles about imaging in core areas of pulmonary medicine such as interstitial lung disease and tuberculosis.

All of these materials are meant to be resources for you to explore at your own leisure and are not a required component of this rotation.

Chest Radiograph Tutorial

This tutorial will take you through all of the items you must consider when you interpret a chest x-ray and contains numerous examples of important chest x-ray findings.

The tutorial has been created as a powerpoint file. It is a long file but it has been designed with navigation tools that allow you to work through it at your own pace, stopping and resuming the tutorial wherever you left off during your previous sessions. There are hyperlinks and main menus that will also let you jump around from section to section if you’d like to review a particular area in greater detail.

To Download The Tutorial Powerpoint File To Your Desktop: A Primer On Reading Chest Radiographs [71MB PPT]

To View The Tutorial In A Web-Based Format, Click Here.

Other Website Resources

Below you will find links to websites that have a large amount of radiology teaching materials. You are encouraged to explore these sites to enhance your radiology knowledge.

University of Washington Department of Radiology student teaching materials:
(UWNet ID required)

University of Virginia teaching materials including a tutorial on reading plain chest x-rays and a separate tutorial on interpreting intensive care unit chest films:

Chest site contains a variety of different items of use including powerpoint-based tutorials that run in your browser and links to other sites of interest: site contains a variety of different items including text-based descriptions and powerpoint-based lectures on imaging findings in different disease states and a broad range of x-ray images:

Yale University Department of Radiology website contains a large number of images of imaging findings in various forms of cardiac and pulmonary disease:

Society of Thoracic Radiology site contains a series of on-line powerpoint-based lectures on different topics in thoracic radiology. It is geared towards radiology residents but some of the lectures may be of use to medical students:

Loyola University Department of Radiology. Dr. Arcot J. Chandrasekhar has created two websites with a large volume of useful materials.

Uniformed Services University Department of Radiology site contains a series of cases of patients with abnormal chest x-ray findings with an emphasis of recognizing key findings, generating a differential diagnosis and correlating the findings with the patient’s clinical symptoms:

University of California, San Francisco Department of Radiology site contains some web-based tutorials on pulmonary anatomy, pathology and CT imaging as well as a large number of case studies with many good chest x-ray findings:

London South Bank University Department of Radiology site contains some teaching materials dedicated specifically to medical students as well as a section on the fundamentals of chest radiology:

The Radiology Assistant site from the Netherlands contains some teaching materials dedicated to various aspects of chest radiology including resources on reading chest CT scans:

Tuberculosis Radiology Resources This site from the International Commission on Radiology Education contains a variety of resources on imaging findings in pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

Additional Radiology Reading Materials


The E-reserves page that has been established for this clerkship contains a folder that contains review articles focused on the radiology of core disease categories in pulmonary and critical care medicine. The review articles contain not only text-based material but also large amount of plain x-rays and CT scans which demonstrate the main findings in the different disease processes:
(UWNet ID required)

If you could like more detailed information about diagnostic radiology of the chest, you can access material from the textbook Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology, 5th Edition through MD Consult. If you click on the link for Volume 1 on the left-hand menu and then the link for Section Two, you will be directed to the chapters on chest imaging:
(UWNet ID required)

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