Digital Photogrammetry and GIS
caurse was taught by Dr. Moskal at MSU in 2004, 2005 and 2006

To develop an understanding of photogrammetry fundamentals and the ability to derive precise measurements from hardcopy and digital aerial and satellite imagery. Students will be presented with the most common photogrammetric processing techniques, and a firm theoretical and practical background in photogrammetric applications including integration with Geographic Information Systems (GIS).



Geovisualization created as part of one of the class projects

In 2006 six class projects were undertaken:

by Corey Brunk (report, project website, model 1, model 2, model 3, model 4, model 5 )

by Jason Whitsett (report)

by Rob Farnsworth (report)

by Michael Montague (report, animation)

by Jeremy Thomas (report)

by Steve Johnson (report)


Dr. Moskal's Office: Bloedel Hall 334
Phone: 206.221.6391
Seattle WA, 98195-2100
Email: lmmoskal at