Introduction Located between Vashon and Maury Islands, Quartermaster Harbor (QMH) is comprised of an inner and outer harbor. Due to its physical surroundings, the harbor is protected from wind and waves and has several freshwater influxes that are derived from about 40% of the two islands. The largest influx is located in the northwest corner of the inner harbor. This location receives less tidal flushing, is smaller and shallower in depth. The outer harbor is larger and tidal flushing occurs at a greater rate.
In the summer time, the harbor is well known for its recreational activities including sea kayaking, boating, mooring, bird watching and sight seeing. The harbor is also habitat to a large spawning community of Pacific Herring and Surf Smelt. Due to its abundant population of shellfish, many species of birds can be found within the harbor.
QMH is a prime area for environmental sampling due to its proximity to a commercial harbor and its accessibility to harmful spills. QMH has also been a target location for research on the harmful algal bloom, Alexandrium cantenella, which causes paralytic shellfish poisoning. As one of the locations sampled in this course of Estuarine Field Studies, QMH data will be available and compared to past research on the links above.