Commencement Bay

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Mitsuhiro Kawase's Model :

These models, created by Mitsuhiro Kawase, were obtained with permission from the Ocean Inquiring Project, courtesy of Christian Sarason. The Ocean Inquiring Project created these visualizations to display the changes in surface temperatures and salinities in the Commencement Bay area. Each model includes operation instructions as written by the Ocean Inquiring Project. Enjoy!

Java Animation Applet Controls

You may control this java applet in a variety of ways. Clicking on the image will play and/or stop the animation; the arrows which appear on the image then control the movie.

You may also use the keyboard to control the animation; after putting the mouse inside the animation window, try using the keys below to control the movie.

Key Function
SPACE Stop/Play.
Dot (.) Stop/Forward 1 frame.
Comma (,) Stop/Backward 1 frame.
Plus (+) Increase animation speed.
Minus (-) Decrease animation speed.
Zero (0) Set initial animation speed.
(R) or (r) Reverse direction.


Java Animation Applet Controls

You may control this java applet in a variety of ways. Clicking on the image will play and/or stop the animation; the arrows which appear on the image then control the movie.

You may also use the keyboard to control the animation; after putting the mouse inside the animation window, try using the keys below to control the movie.

Key Function
SPACE Stop/Play.
Dot (.) Stop/Forward 1 frame.
Comma (,) Stop/Backward 1 frame.
Plus (+) Increase animation speed.
Minus (-) Decrease animation speed.
Zero (0) Set initial animation speed.
(R) or (r) Reverse direction.
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[TESC 431 Home] [Introduction] [Sampling Stations] [Methods] [Results] [Discussion] [Model] [Links] [Data Repository]

Website created by Jason Hall and Joe Brucklier, June 2003
ng filled ¾ full and capped. The bottle number, station, and sample depth were recorded on the master log for each cruise. After collection, nutrient samples were placed in a cooler with ice until the end of the survey. Nutrient samples were then placed in the freezer until they were shipped to the University of Washington's Marine Chemistry Lab for nutrient analysis. All nutrient samples were analyzed for phosphate, silicate, ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite.