Commencement Bay

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Sampling Stations:

Sample stations were chosen within and around Commencement Bay in an attempt to determine the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the bay, and with regard to past sampling stations to facilitate the monitoring of changes in physical, chemical, and biological conditions over time within the bay. Eight primary stations, located within the bay, have been sampled at least once each year since 2000. Three of these stations are located along a transect from Point Defiance to Brown's Point. Another sampling station is located in the center of the bay at a Department of Ecology sampling station (CMB 003). Four of these stations are located along the terminus of the bay, at the mouth of the Hylebos waterway, at the wastewater treatment plant outfall buoy, at the Puyallup River delta, and at mouth of the Thea Foss waterway.

As mentioned before, areas outside of Commencement Bay have also been sampled during past surveys. Sampling stations outside of Commencement Bay include, the Tacoma Narrows, Colvos Passage, Dalco Passage, Quarter Master Harbor, and the East Passage. See the map below for the location of each sampling station located within and outside of Commencement Bay.

Stations Sampled in and Around Commencement Bay by UWT

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Website created by Jason Hall and Joe Brucklier, June 2003
ions mentioned above.