Commencement Bay

[TESC 431 Home] [Introduction] [Sampling Stations] [Methods] [Results] [Discussion] [Model] [Links] [Data Repository]

Data Repository:

While this data repository is still mising some components, it represents a first attempt to collect all all cruise data into a central location. The goal of this repository is to facilitate the analysis of changes in conditions within and around Commencement Bay, and to provide an archive of all the data that has been collected from all UWT cruises.

Cruise Date Vessel Master Log CTD Data Nutrients
05/02/2000 - 05/10/2000 Clifford A Barnes 050200_051000masterlog.xls 050200_051000ctd.xls 050200_051000nutrient.xls
11/15/2002 - 11/16/2002 N/A N/A N/A 111502_111602nutrient.xls
05/03/2002 - 05/07/2002 R/V Thomas G. Thompson N/A N/A N/A
05/24/2002 City of Tacoma Research 052402masterlog.xls 052402ctd.xls N/A
05/31/2002 City of Tacoma Research N/A 053102ctd.xls N/A
02/28/2003 City of Tacoma Research N/A N/A 022803nutrients.xls
05/09/2003 Mary L 050903masterlog.xls 050903ctd.xls 05091603nutrients.xls
05/16/2003 City of Tacoma Research 051603masterlog.xls 051603ctd.xls 05091603nutrients.xls

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[TESC 431 Home] [Introduction] [Sampling Stations] [Methods] [Results] [Discussion] [Model] [Links] [Data Repository]

Website created by Jason Hall and Joe Brucklier, June 2003