Douglas Wadden Douglas Wadden received his Master's Degree from Yale University. His work has been shown in the Museum of Modern Art; the Library of Congress; the Toyama Museum of Modern Art, Japan; the AIGA; the American Center for Design; the Art Directors Club of Los Angeles; the New York Art Directors Club; the Type Directors Club; the American Association of Museums; the American Federation of the Arts; the UCDA; Communication Arts; Graphis; IDEA and NOVUM. His work was also included in the landmark Walker Art Center exhibition Graphic Design in America, and in Pacific Rim Design. He has been a panelist for the Design Management Institute, a lecturer for the Federal Design Improvement Program, the vice president of education for the national AIGA, and an ACD board member. In 1998, he was elected member of the AGI, Alliance Graphique Internationale. |
VCD FACULTY Karen Cheng Christopher Ozubko John Rousseau Douglas Wadden