The finals are arranged in rows according to their medial sound. The pinyin forms are in base pinyin. Their spelled forms may differ, as can be seen on the Mandarin Syllables page.

Click the “Pinyin/IPA” button below to toggle between the two representations.

Pinyin / IPA

Mandarin Finals
1 ɿ, ʅ -i ɤ e a a ei ei ai ai ou ou au au ən en an an əŋ eng ang əɹ er
2 i i ie ia ia iou iou iau iau in in iɛn ian ing iaŋ iang
3 u u o/uo ua ua uei uei uai uai uən uen uan uan ong uaŋ uang
4 y ü üe yn ün yɛn üan yuŋ iong