Oceanography 443, Winter 2009
Design of Oceanographic Field Experiments

Related Links
The following links are provided as an additional source of information related to topics covered throughout the quarter. More links will be added as the quarter progresses so check back for updates. Please feel free to suggest additional links that might be useful.

Kermadec Arc, Background Information

NOAA Ocean Explorer - New Zealand American Submarine Ring of Fire 2007
GNS Kermadec arc expeditions

New Zealand Oceanography

CSIRO digital atlas of seas around Australia
Regional Oceanography: an Introduction, by Tomczak and Godfrey
free PDF, Chapter 8 pp. 126-130 discusses the East Australian Current
New Zealand circulation, flows and fronts


Towed Camera System "TowCam"
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Primer
EM300 Multibeam Echo Sounder

Global Datasets

World Ocean Database and Atlas Series
Satellite Data - Ocean Color Website
AVISO Live access server
Satellite altimetry maps - to get recent maps of surface velocity:
Near-real time data &rarr NRT Global &rarr Absolute Geostrophic Velocities &rarr Vector (U,V)
A good "box" is 170E to 180E, 30S to 40S.


US EPA Visual Plumes
Windows software for modeling buoyant plumes. See Rona and Trivett (1992).
OSU Tidal Model
Model results can be viewed with the TMD Toolbox. Ask your TA for more info.
Model animations #1, Model animations #2
Animations of a plume after it has reached its equilibrium height blowing in a measured time-dependent current

Making a web site

Creating a Student Home Page
Basic orientation to the UW Students Web Server
SimpleSite - Catalyst
Web-based HTML authoring tool for creating web sites at UW
SimpleSite Help Center
Extensive documentation, tips and tutorials
Catalyst workshops
Free hands-on workshops on web design
Getting started with HTML
Guide to writing or editing HTML code