Research Ethics in the Data Sciences


Scientist in society

Ethical considerations in public and environmental health

Precautionary Principle

Communicating Risk

Science in the popular press


Weed, Douglas L., and Robert E. McKeown. "Science and social responsibility in public health." Environmental health perspectives 111.14 (2003): 1804.

Sharp, Richard R. "Ethical issues in environmental health research."Environmental health perspectives 111.14 (2003): 1786.

Clapp, R., P. Hoppin, and D. Kriebel. "Erosion of the integrity of public health science in the USA." Occupational and environmental medicine 63.6 (2006): 367-368.

Resnik D.; The Precautionary Principle and Medical Decision Making; Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2004; 29(3):281-299

Goldstein I.; Goldsteing M.; How Much Risk? A Guide to Understanding Environmental Health Hazards, Cancer from Landfill? Oxford University Press (2001); 235-268