The Package

Slavic Stasyuk – 4:04, drama/action

A mysterious package changes hands en route to delivery.

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3 Responses to The Package

  1. sstasyuk says:

    Overall, this was a fun project that ended up varying quite a bit from the preproduction documents. Some of the cast were not able to make it for the first round of filming, and after tweaking the script we decided to go for a more action feel with less intertwined drama. We used the shotgun mic, and the audio still had simply too much background noise. Lighting was fine for the overall dark moody look we were going for, but we did have to use external lights for a few scenes.

  2. meggzyp says:

    I thought this narrative had really great visuals! It just looked really cool the whole time I was watching it. I am curious what kind of camera you used? The only time lighting seemed off was the first shots of the guy getting on the motorcycle outside of the parking garage, but I could still tell what was happening and . The audio however could use some work. You could tell you tried editing it to remove the background noise. I have had that problem sooo many times and it sucks. Maybe a blue tooth mic would have been better? Or maybe rerecorded the speaking parts and dubbed them over?
    Either way I thought you did a good job, and the way the lighting and camera looked was one of my favorites in the class!

  3. Evan F says:

    I really liked choice of shots to add realism to the situations in your narrative, lighting was very good and I thought the audio was good considering the very difficult setting, garages are hard no matter what you use, and for this project i feel you did good with what you had available.

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