
Rain Lim – 3:00, drama/romance

Angst-ridden teenagers run away and find support and love in each other.

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2 Responses to Runaways

  1. rainjlim says:

    I went back and forth with lots of different decisions with this project. I had a lot of footage however it really was a huge lesson that the amount of footage required for a 3.5-5 min video is a lot! There were lots of parts I didn’t end up using because it, for instance, didn’t follow rules like the 180 rule. I cut a few other parts that didn’t quite fit and fidgeted with the color and the sound back and forth with music and adding different white noise to make a more solid flow throughout the video. Overall, I’m pretty happy with it! If I had had more time I would’ve loved to add more contextual story and dialogue.

  2. audrez says:

    Rain, I really liked this story, it was beautiful! I also liked the rage of shots you had. There was a scene where someones face was touched and it was an ECU and was super good at showing the emotions I think you were trying to portray in this video. Good job!

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