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Site Report 4

Cafe on the Ave

Photo taken by Lauren Fielder on 2017-02-21.


Photo taken by Lauren Fielder on 2017-02-21

In recent years, the U Distrcit in Seattle has been making serious advances. The area has blossomed with business', residents, and other things in the area. More and more people are starting to move to the area with its own history and culture being established. With the popularity of the area ever increasing, also comes change. Recently the area was approved to start building bigger buildings/towers and with that new businesses will arrive. These businesses will likely have people dressed up in more suits rather than, the current businesses and restaurants where people see employs wearing regular clothes or the stores shirt. 

There is a lot in store for the future of the U district as well as Block 15. For starters in the U district it is now confirmed that this area can have higher buildings, so I’m curious to see what new jobs will arrive from that. With this expansion, it will not take place on the ave and the heavy shopping portion of it, but rather more of the outskirts of the U District. On the corner of my block on Brooklyn and 43rd St there is a plan for the new light rail station to be placed here. I see this to be very strategic since this area has a heavy pedestrian traffic flow. It also makes sense, since back in the day the only street car station was on this block. Back in the day this same exact street use to be the only entrance onto campus so I think it’s cool that they are in a way using some of history’s old sites for the same things again.

With the addition of the light rail the city hopes to add in more pedestrian oriented walkways. They recognize the heavy foot traffic flow and low vehicle flow and want to aid the people walking. They also hope to raise the street so that there is no curbs and better walk ways. With this expansion comes the expansion of more student housing. On the other side of my block where Brooklyn is, they plan on expanding student housing by adding more apartments and renovating some of the ones already there. What I found cool is that all my streets on my block are included in the green street landscaping to include more trees, plants, better sidewalks, curbs etc. I hope with this new development of higher buildings that there is not a setback. With all this new development in the U district I think the biggest priority should be student housing, it is already extremely expensive to live in Seattle, let alone for college students.

Throughout the decade Seattle, espeially the U District area has developed tremednously. With new planning and developing, sometimes residents in the area see a need for certain things like better transporation, sidewalks, roads, etc. In the U District people are having some of their requests heard. In addition to more and improved sidewalks and better streets, the block will also house the new location of the light rail station making commuting easier for students and others alike in the area, especially for the new people that will be commuting to their jobs here once the buildings are created. This will also minimize the traffic on the street here, especially during rush hour whenit seems that no car is moving.


Works Cited 

1.Nielsen, R. (1986). The Story of the University District In Seattle. University Lions Foundation.

2. University District Historic Survey Report. (2002). Seattle, WA: City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Program.

3. (2015, January). U District Green Streets Concept Plan. Retrieved March 09, 2017, from

4. S. (2016, October 6). U District Urban Design. Retrieved March 09, 2017, from

Site Report 4