University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


In conclusion, the development of this block reflects the growth of the University of Washington, and, more generally, the growth of the city of Seattle.  First, it is important to realize that the purpose of this block has remained largely the same throughout the years: providing housing, geared mostly towards students.  The second major point is that this block, as well as the surrounding area, has always been growing.  Even now, there are development plans that will allow for increased building height, resulting in increased density.  This is in response to increased urbanization and the population growth of the University and, more broadly, the city of Seattle.  Throughout history, people have always gravitated toward good jobs and a decent living.  The city of Seattle is positioning itself as a hub of technology, and the University of Washington is helping prepare young people to take their place in that future.  This small block has always responded to the changing needs of the university, and as more and more young people gravitate toward the university, the city, and the opportunities available here, the block will continue to reflect those larger trends.
