University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


Block 34 may not be as energetic and exciting as a block closer to the Ave. However, block 34 is known as the center meeting hub of the area, which make it a very unique area to lot of students. In researching for U-District, and more specifically the block between NE 40th Street, Brooklyn Ave NE, NE Campus Parkway, and University Way NE, there are lot of takeaways. However, I will only be concluding two main points on here, which I think are the most important main points. The first main point is the currently status of block 34— students residential dormitories. After reading the site report, one should understand that block 34 was once a multiple residential high-density area with lots of local businesses. It changes in the 2010due to the UW campus expansion West Campus Housing — Phase I plan. With continues growing of UW campus, block 34 will remain as a student residential dormitories for a long period of time. The second main point is that Seattle is one of the fastest growing cities in the US; especially it’s transportation plan. Therefore, in the site report, we learned that City of Seattle had changes the NE 40th Street from a car prioritize street to a more pedestrian and bikers friendly street. I believe in the future, City of Seattle will continue to create more pedestrian and bikers friendly streets at U-District.
