University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


Block 50: Intro pic

Picture of Seattle's UW highrise(Seattle, WA) Photo taken March 2016. Provided by The Seattle Times.

Welcome to my University District My Block Omeka exhibit. This exhibit displays the accumulation of research and photos, which I have compiled throughout the quarter, that relate to my block, Block: 50, a small stretch of Roosevelt Way between 56th street and 59th street in the University district. The four separate site reports contained in this exhibit examine different aspects of my block, such as who lives on the block, what is the main purpose of the block and where is the block going that can be witnessed by the my block’s current state. However in the reports I will thoroughly analyze the primary driving forces behind these changes made on and around the block over the course of its history including events with great historical magnitude, such as World War I and II but also minor trends in just the Seattle area. There are so many things that need to be taken into account when considering what has caused the U-District to be the way it is now and this report will explain at least a few of these considerations.  

