University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


Welcome to my block! My block is the block 55, which is between 11th Ave. NE and 12th Ave. NE, and NE 50th St. and NE 47th St. This is block at first glance may seemed to be a little boring, because all of the buildings serves for the residence: There are three apartments, a motel, and two houses which are between the apartments. However, when we deeply learn more background history of the University District, we can see clearly what those buildings reflect about the history behind it. To learn deeply about my block and the University District, I first went to my assigned block to experience the current status of my block before I do the historical research (for site report 1). Then I researched the natural resources around my block in the very early development, with the knowledge professor talked about the principles of urbanization (site report 2). Then I researched about the big events happened that contributed to the development through the old newspapers (site report 3). Finally I predict the possible trend of the UD, and specifically my block with the “globalization thought” professor talked in the class. (site report 4)
