University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Site report #4

Home in block 64

The typical small home in block 64, high of the ground surronded by plants.

Site Report #4

            Block 64 is a residential area for small families and college students with a mixture of small homes and apartments. With the development of the U-District and growing community, there is a need of more housing to meet the demand. Recently an apartment complex was built in the corner of the block, it is the largest building in the block, to suit the needs of people. There is a couple of proposal of land use signs on the block; they are trying to convert the old homes into apartments. City planners want the people to know of what they are trying to do and how they are trying to help the community. They hope to build new apartments in place of the old homes that are run down and to also improve the areas image as well. U-District is slowly transforming into a more modern place with new building being built and remodeling. There isn’t much historical attachment to this block since its residential but to the people who have been living there for years don’t want to lose their homes and want to keep their neighborhood the same. Block 64 is definitely an old block with little change and everybody is aware that the buildings are old and in need of new ones. Since the block is near the campus to UW you can tell just from that that they’ll need new homes for incoming students to live in and with all that space for new homes can be helpful. That block can easily transform into UW residences with brand new apartment complexes only if people decide for the change to happen. With a city center U-District we can see more of a nightlife there for the college students and more shopping stores to meet the needs of them. 

Site report #4