University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Site report 5-Final Gallery


Before i've started my reseacrch in the U-District, i knew very little of the area and its historical meaning. The U-District isnt the oldest area in seattle and has a different story compared to the rest of the seattle area. The U-District used to have a large body of water in the center until it was filled in so developers can build on top of it and also to create roads for transportation. The U-District was built in the early 20th century with the founding fathers palnning to build a large university as the center. When the U-District was being built they layed out the plans on how to build the town so its all organized. Block 64 was first layed out with a few homes that were apartments and later on they added small homes around it. Like most of the U-District, homes and commerical areas were built around the univeristy so people will have a place to go and live.

After doing my research on block 64, i learned that one of its original building is still up (monarch apartments). After my block was established some changes has happened over time like new homes being built and recently a new apartment and hopefully more in the future. The area where my block is located is being under construction with new buildings, the neighborhood is becoming modern. This block is going to see a lot of improvement and more people are going to live in this block. Seattle is a modern city and its slowly improving itself so the U-District is already doing that right now. 

Site report 5-Final Gallery