University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208



Block 02 can tell you a lot about the development of urban areas. This block was empty until the University of Washington moved into the area. After that the development of the area took off turning this block into a place for people to live and to shop. With the natural environment of the land, the block was developed in a way that utilized the slight hill, making buildings accessible from the outside on different levels of the structure. Then as the world changed, the block changed with it. With the popularization of automobiles, the block gained a new business that sold cars. But then as cars became complicated to use in a busy, traffic filled city, public transportation was on the rise and the automobile dealership disappeared and was replaced with other stores that fit the need of the inhabitants in the area. Through looking at this block, one can see so much more than just a Petco and some houses. One can see the relocation of University of Washington’s campus, the development of businesses, the transfer of using cars to using buses, and all the other history in between. 
