
About the Author

Holly C. Beimler

Not actually a shorebird, but she was
still kind enough to pose with me.

I graduate with my degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Washington Tacoma in June of 2008.  I started this degree at the University of Alaska Southeast in Juneau, Alaska with a major in Marine Biology. 

This web page does not completely cover any of the topics, but it does provide a good overview of some of the species you might actually see from the shore in Western Washington.  I skipped over the whales, earless seals and manatees, because you are less likely to see those without a boat. (You are not likely to see a manatee in Washington at all.)


This site is dedicated to Gerta, the chicken, who was eaten by a bear about three months after this photo was taken.

Shorebirds in Washinton
Other birds
Mammals in Washington
About the Author


This web page is part of the UWT Marine Ecology 2008 Class Project.

Web page by Holly C. Beimler: Environmental Studies, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington Tacoma.