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Course Information
rev 1/12/09


COMMUNITY OUTREACH SERVICE involves working in a community service setting for a minimum of 2 hours per week to explore root causes of disability, cultural differences, professional values, community resources, and quality of life issues. Seminars with faculty assist students in applying observations and experiences to pharmaceutical and patient-centered care.

The service learning component of the course is to help students observe a variety of human behaviors, explore social agencies as support for patient needs, and practice reflective and critical thinking skills as part of an anthropologic approach to developing pharmacy practice.

This course links directly to the skills development expected in Pharm 512: Human Behavior and Communication in Pharmacy.

The course assumes that students are developing a basic understanding of how drugs are distributed and controlled as in Pharm 504.

Course Objectives

  • Engage in community based service as preparation for becoming a culturally competent change agent
  • Participate in community activities directed toward solving current public health problems
  • Identify quality of life issues, relating these issues appropriately to pharmaceutical care
  • Explore behaviors and values of professionalism
  • Observe root causes of illness and disability
  • Promote and advocate for health and pharmacy practice

overview | objectives | grading | texts


Although this is a C/NC course, you are evaluated. The evaluation is based on meeting the responsibilities of the course and demonstrating that you are learning. You will demonstrate your learning through participation in class, at the site, and in small groups.There are two written papers (Discussion of Your Debate Topic and Final Paper). The course grade is calculated using the following point distribution. Students need to accumulate 80% of the points in each category to receive a pass for the course.

Category Points Description
1. Participation 200

Participation in small groups and service site

2. Writing

Reminder: Keep a digital copy of your papers for possible inclusion in your electronic portfolio


Debate Topic 100 points

Final Paper 200

3. Ethical Behavior

Breeches in ethical behavior may result in failing the course.

Failure to attain any score less than "agree" on the evaluation form may be grounds for no credit.


See: Course Policies

Total 500  

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Readings and assignments are listed in the Class Schedule.

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Send comments to Karan Dawson
Last updated: January 13, 2009