
TAPESTRY: The Art of Representation and Abstraction

Rhino + V-Ray: Image Stamps

What's an Image Stamp?

Image stamps are what V-Ray calls the bit of text at the bottom of the frame shown above (outlined in yellow). These can be added to images to assert copyright or document important information, including rendering time. The text can be customized in various ways, but right now let's just figure out how to turn it off and on.

Click in the lower-right corner of the V-Ray frame buffer (VFB) window to access the stamp controls. A strip of stamp-control tools will be added to the bottom of the window, as shown above.

Next, to toggle display of the stamp text in the VFB click the "insert-stamp" icon. That's it. Each image you render will (by default) record the version of V-Ray being used and the time taken to complete the rendering. This can be helpful in sorting out the rendering-time impact of changes to your materials or render settings.

That's it. The other buttons let you customize the text in various ways. Saved images will include the stamp if it's visible in the VFB.

Last updated: April, 2014

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