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Field Trip - Saturday 26 October, 2019.
There is a reading assignment before the field trip about glacier changes on Mt. Baker in the late 20th C, and a more recent article that extends the history much farther back in time. Please familiarize yourself with the glacier Safety Tips document on the right. In addition, each student must fill out the Risk-Acknowledgement form on the right sidebar to participate on the Field Trip. Please download and print this form, read it, sign it, and bring to class or to the field trip. Because of the Affordable Car Act, the university no longer offers short-term field trip insurance. For information, click on 'Field-trip Insurance" link on right sidebar. We will drive in UW vehicles northward from the UW campus to Mt. Baker, where we will go Easton Glacier on the south side. For individuals driving independently please see the directions link at right (note the vehicle fee). We will have a chance to see a glacier in action, characteristics of glacier ice, geomorphological and hydrological effects from glaciers, avalanche terrain and effects from ground freezing. It is possible for there to be fresh snow this time of year, so we may get to look at features of snow texture and metamorphism. You can check the current mountain-weather prediction for Mt.Baker at ~5000 feet, or a range of forecast options from UW Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences. |
Send mail to: knut at uw.edu
Last modified: 09/24/2019 04:21:26 PM |