University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


Welcome to Block 5, an unassuming rectangle between 11th and 12th Avenue, and 43rd and 45th Street in Seattle. The reports that follow are attempts to understand this block, and its history, in light of the greater story of the U District neighborhood. While it’s located near future developments, as of this writing the block is somewhat removed from the bustle of the Ave and other neighborhood features. 45th Street is a busy thoroughfare, but for the most part this block is a quiet, mixed residential and professional area. Students pass through on the way to Trader Joe’s or the Neptune, and professionals can be seen walking to and from nearby bus stops. Among these ho hum goings on are interesting clues to the area’s history, and these clue can tell us what the block used to be like. The changes over the years, and the potential changes to come, are outlined in these reports. In doing this research, I hope for readers to gain a greater understanding of the U District today, and where it’s come from.

