University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Introduction to Block 32

Block 32 is located between 8th Ave. NE and University Bridge, and NE 40th St. and NE Northlake Way. Through researching this area I have seen how it has grown, changed and developed to become the part of the University District that it is today.  There has been reconstruction on the land, changes from dense forest, to housing, to becoming the present day section catagorized as an industrial district. Changes on this plot of land represent and relate to larger impacts of construction, economy, housing, mobility, and many more implementations that commonly occur around high populations and urban development. This microhistory project has allowed me to do extensive research on the past and present of this lot of land, simultaneously observing civilization as it has adapted and evolved. This research demonstrates the factors that have led to the current state of our city. Not only has this project shown the human impacts on the greater Seattle area, but how we plan to manipulate our actions to create a better, self-sustainable lifestyle. 

Introduction to Block 32