University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Site Report 1: The Deep Read


Illustrated in the photo above, the University bridge is on the right, paralleling the Northlake Building on the left.


Pictured above is the junction of 8th ave and Northlake Way.


The Northlake Building occuping the southern half of Block 32.


This is a hand drawn map of Block 32, between 8th Ave. NE and University Bridge, and NE 40th St. and NE Northlake Way. 

When circling Block 32, one may find many chain link fences, unkempt bushes, storage containers painted with dreary grey and white pastels. A first glimpse of the land between the university bridge and 40th street suggests not much goes on here. There is one large office building filling the northern end of the block, probably five stories high. This building is a light grey, dirt spattered walls are so unappealing that I have pity for anyone having to frequently work in this complex. The southern end of this block is fenced off, chain link surrounds three trees, some mud, a large hole and cement platform, suggesting there was once a building that stood upon this acre. What has been on this land in the past, and why has it become such an ill-favored block? The rush and whirr of cars, bikes and busses comes from the bridge above, inspiring the question of not only what the effect of the bridge has on this block, but why it is so visibly unappealing? Has this ever been a popular desired location? Does the busy road above have correlation with the lack of civilians walking and living on this street? Under the bridge there are many storage containers, again contained by chain link. Only registered vehicles have access to enter within this metal cage. What is the purpose of the storage under this bridge, and what exactly do these containers enclose? Right across Northlake Way there is an easy access to lake Union, yet there is no public dock or park in sight. Has this aspect of this location ever been utilized?

This plot of land is missing a factor of attraction to the individuals living in this area. The vegetation is littered with miscellaneous trash, being a representation of almost the entire acre. As one walks away from the water, a pleasant surprise was gifted to this disorderly street. Four steps lead away from the grey building up in between rows of blackberry bushes to reveal a section of the Burke Gillman Trail. Bikers, tourists, athletes, families out for a walk all greet one another as they coexist on this path. Has this route always been strictly for recreation purposes? Was it ever more than just a simple trail connecting various parts of Seattle? This trail and the subtle hum coming from the hustle and bustle of vehicles all around is a much more accurate representation of the culture of this city, contrasting with the dreary street and building below.

Site Report 1: The Deep Read