University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208


Welcome to block 35

This section of the University District lies between NE Campus Parkway and NE 40th Street, 15th Avenue NE and University Way NE. It is both influenced by the University it is directly next to and the dynamic neighborhood of the University District. Though some of the buildings have been there for over 100 years, there is also a fascinating history before any development as it is thought of today occurred. It has been a practical and coveted location from its proximity to both the Lake and Sound. It was forested and not heavily developed until the Montlake cut was completed. There is a fascinating history and dynamics on this block and the surrounding area. This site will lead you through a basic walk around the block, a prior to 1900 history, an audio tour of the dynamics of today then the most recent developments in re-zoning and plans for the future. 
