University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

Site Report 4

Land use map of south University District

Land Use Map, Department of Planning and Development, June 2012

Organization of the Zoning Change Areas and Location of the Light Rail Station

Re-zoning Areas and Light Rail Station, Office of Planning and Community Development, October 6, 2016. 

Included in the 10 minuet walk area zone, this block will be approximately three blocks away from the new light rail station. This will make the apartment and businesses on this block more easily accessible from other parts of Seattle. Instead of driving to the block and arriving with extremely limited nearby parking options, one will be able to take the light rail and walk or bike a short distance. This could increase potential customers and reduce congestion. This shows the emphasis on community transit and greener alternatives to personal car travel. According to the University District Exiting Conditions Report, 73.5 percent of workers 16 and older commuted in a different method than driving alone. This shows that people already want alternative and likely greener methods of travel.

This block is interesting because it is majority apart of the University of Washington institution (land under the Commodore Apartments and parking lot) but with a southwest corner labeled as multipurpose (under the College Inn and various businesses under it). It is not part of the most recent rezoning plan but lies just south of “the Ave” and “Core” areas discussed in the University District Urban Design Final Recommendations. It will not be up-zoned and will not likely be in any shadows from up-zoned building as it would be too far away, but the view and ambiance could change.

A student-centered University District is not far off from the neighborhood of today. There are place to eat, study, live and work, and find entertainment. However, housing affordability and safety are common concerns. Most people in the University District are young adults, it is racially and ethnically diverse, mostly renters and people who use alternative methods of transportation. The University District should embrace the student population by keeping affordability and safety in mind while also preserving the history and charm of this multifaceted neighborhood. 

University District Urban Design Framework. N.p.: Department of Planning and Development, n.d.Print.

"Seattle Municipal Archives Map Index." Seattle Municipal Archives Map Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2017.


Site Report 4